Website Disclaimer

Scope and Purpose of this Disclaimer

This disclaimer document governs your use of our informational website. By using the website located at {{}} and it’s subdirectories, you agree to, and accept this disclaimer in full. If you disagree with any part of this disclaimer, do not use our website, as that condition prohibits you from doing so. {{DRAM Ventures Inc. /}} reserves the right to modify these terms at any time, and thus, you should check for changes before proceeding to utilize the services and content of {{}}. By using this site after changes have been made to this document, you agree to accept those changes, whether or not you have reviewed them.

Rights to information published

All materials on this site are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws and are the property of {{DRAM Ventures Inc. /}}. Unless stated otherwise, you may access and download the materials located on {{}} only for personal, non-commercial use. You may not reproduce this material on your personal website, blog, social network, or any other online resource.

Any and all content (including user and visitor generated content) submitted either via email, comment forms, or any other page hosted at {{}} or its content aggregation systems becomes the property of {{}}.

{{}} reserves the right to alter, remove, re-post, re-purpose, market, or trade any such content.

Site content (quality, accuracy and use)

Visitors who use this website and rely on any information do so at their own risk.

This Web site and the attached documents are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Information found at {{}}. will not always be up to date and cannot necessarily be relied upon.

The information is intended solely for entertainment purposes and may not be used as a substitute for professional advice and/or information, as circumstances will vary from person to person. You should not act or rely upon this information without seeking professional advice. Do not attempt any of the suggested actions, solutions, remedies, or instructions found on this website without first consulting with a qualified professional. They are not intended to be nor do they constitute actionable professional advice. Transmission of this information is not intended to create a professional-client relationship between {{}} (or it’s parent, {{DRAM Ventures Inc. /}}) and you.

The owners, editors, contributors, administrators, and other staff of {{}} (a {{DRAM Ventures Inc. /}} web property) are not qualified professionals, and are simply aggregating information found online for entertainment purposes only.

By using this website, you hereby forfeit any and all claims, past, present, and future, against the owners, editors, contributors, administrators, and other staff of {{ }} (a {{DRAM Ventures Inc. /}} web property).