Buzzacott Outdoor Lore

Accommodation at Sun Peaks Resort

"Ardmore" at #33 Woodhaven. Check out this terrific accommodation at Sun Peaks Resort. Enjoy a memorable summer or winter getaway. Special Low Spring, Summer and Fall Rates - A great base for hiking, fishing, photographing the wildflowers in the alpine meadows, or even a game or two of golf. ... and of course, skiing or snowshoeing in the winter season

Lakes that are within an easy driving distance - Badger Lake, Community Lake, Heffley Lake, Knouff Lake and McGillivray Lake. (Sun Peaks has canoe rentals on this lake) ... and Kamloops is only forty-five minutes away.

Oh, and please let Kirstin and John know you discovered "Ardmore" on this website.

"Hot Coffee" " a stimulant far more beneficial before hard work, than the same quantity of whiskey."

F.H. Buzzacott - 1908

"Hot Coffee" " a stimulant far more beneficial before hard work, than the same quantity of whiskey."

F.H. Buzzacott - 1908

"in Case of Fire In Tent" - "If serious, lay hold of the bottom of the bedding and pull out, and with a blanket smother the fire, quickly. If fire is caught in time you can smother it. Let the tent go, but save the outfit therein, if possible. You can improvise shelter but not the outfit, so safe that part first."

F.H. Buzzacott - 1908

"Hot Coffee" " a stimulant far more beneficial before hard work, than the same quantity of whiskey."

F.H. Buzzacott - 1908

"Don't hesitate to go camping because you're not experienced. Every man has his first trip and the immense army of them that follow it year after year is evidence that they enjoy and benefit by it.

F.H. Buzzacott - 1908

Now testing with the padding and by leaving the div off the end, the border goes around below text.

"in Case of Fire In Tent" - "If serious, lay hold of the bottom of the bedding and pull out, and with a blanket smother the fire, quickly. If fire is caught in time you can smother it. Let the tent go, but save the outfit therein, if possible. You can improvise shelter but not the outfit, so safe that part first."

F.H. Buzzacott - 1908

"in Case of Fire In Tent" - "If serious, lay hold of the bottom of the bedding and pull out, and with a blanket smother the fire, quickly. If fire is caught in time you can smother it. Let the tent go, but save the outfit therein, if possible. You can improvise shelter but not the outfit, so safe that part first."

F.H. Buzzacott - 1908

"Hot Coffee" " a stimulant far more beneficial before hard work, than the same quantity of whiskey."

F.H. Buzzacott - 1908

"Hot Coffee" " a stimulant far more beneficial before hard work, than the same quantity of whiskey."

F.H. Buzzacott - 1908

"WRINKLES AND KINKS FOR FISHERMEN, ANGLERS, ETC." "The Best Times" "... For trout fishing is at night then large fish are active. Select a quiet spot near a deep hole, and leave it for a night trial. Cut a few branches and group them around so as to hide yourself behind them. Do this the day before you fish the spot. Cast over and draw your bait or fly quietly over the top of the water. If big trout are there you'll quickly get a rise."

F.H. Buzzacott

"Hot Coffee" " a stimulant far more beneficial before hard work, than the same quantity of whiskey."

F.H. Buzzacott - 1908

"In Case of Fire in Tent"

"If serious, lay hold of the bottom of the bedding and pull out, and with a blanket smother the fire, quickly. If fire is caught in time you can smother it.
Let the tent go, but save the outfit therein, if possible. You can improvise shelter but not the outfit, so save that part first."

F.H. Buzzacott

"Hot Coffee" " a stimulant far more beneficial before hard work, than the same quantity of whiskey."

F.H. Buzzacott - 1908

"In Case of Fire in Tent"

"If serious, lay hold of the bottom of the bedding and pull out, and with a blanket smother the fire, quickly. If fire is caught in time you can smother it.
Let the tent go, but save the outfit therein, if possible. You can improvise shelter but not the outfit, so save that part first."

F.H. Buzzacott

"in Case of Fire In Tent" - "If serious, lay hold of the bottom of the bedding and pull out, and with a blanket smother the fire, quickly. If fire is caught in time you can smother it. Let the tent go, but save the outfit therein, if possible. You can improvise shelter but not the outfit, so safe that part first."

F.H. Buzzacott - 1908

"In Case of Fire in Tent"

"If serious, lay hold of the bottom of the bedding and pull out, and with a blanket smother the fire, quickly. If fire is caught in time you can smother it.
Let the tent go, but save the outfit therein, if possible. You can improvise shelter but not the outfit, so save that part first."

F.H. Buzzacott

"Don't hesitate to go camping because you're not experienced. Every man has his first trip and the immense army of them that follow it year after year is evidence that they enjoy and benefit by it.

F.H. Buzzacott - 1908

F. (Francis) H. Buzzacott was an outdoorsman and explorer in the 19th and 20th century. Any quotes and references to F.H. Buzzacott are from his book; "THE COMPLETE AMERICAN AND CANADIAN SPORTSMAN'S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF VALUABLE INFORMATION" The revised edition of his book was dated, 1908. The copy we have was gifted to my Grandfather, (also an ardent woodsman), on the sixth of June, 1908.

While reading these interesting and sometimes quirky (but only to us in the 21st century) short briefs, please keep in mind the year this information was written. There are many excellent and interesting bits of information that is still valid in today's world.

"In Case of Fire in Tent" "If serious, lay hold of the bottom of the bedding and pull out, and with a blanket smother the fire, quickly. If fire is caught in time you can smother it. Let the tent go, but save the outfit therein, if possible. You can improvise shelter but not the outfit, so save that part first."

F.H. Buzzacott

"Hot Coffee" " a stimulant far more beneficial before hard work, than the same quantity of whiskey." F.H. Buzzacott - 1908
"Camp Doctor" ... "Keep the bowels open, head cool, feet dry and there will be little, if any, sickness in camp." F.H. Buzzacott - 1908
"GOING CAMPING" "... Wake up man, go to the woods and forest as did your forefathers before ye, where the pure air laden with the health-giving properties of the woods can brace you, where the air and water is pure, where the sweet grass and wild flowers or leaves fill the very atmosphere with that which your system and sight most craves ...." F.H. Buzzacott - 1908